

Entering into a relationship with Jesus is the first and most important step on your faith journey. It all begins and ends with Jesus. The Bible says that He (Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation and that all things were created by Him and for Him. He came to earth to restore man’s relationship with God by making peace through His blood shed on the cross. (Colossians 1).

Apart from Jesus we are lost, unforgiven and disconnected from our Creator God.  2000 years ago through His life, death and resurrection Jesus made a way for man to enter into a right standing relationship with God.  Many people know religion and know of God but they don’t have a personal relationship with God.  Jesus words to the first disciples were “come follow me”. He echoes those same words to you here in the 21st century, “come follow me”.

Jesus invites you to follow him.  He wants to teach you and He desires to speak vision and direction into your life. Through a growing relationship with God you will discover your purpose and destiny in life.


“God, I know that through Jesus I am forgiven and I am saved. Lord Jesus, forgive me of all my sins and mistakes I receive your mercy and grace. I turn from darkness to light and I confess you as my Savior and Lord. Today, I commit my life to you and your leadership. I want to learn about you and follow you all the days of my life in Jesus name I pray.”

Congratulations on making the decision to receive and follow Jesus.  Again this is only a first step; make a commitment to be at church every week. A healthy connection to a church family is essential to your spiritual growth. In Matthew 4 Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God.”

In Jeremiah 29:11 the Bible says, “God’s plans for you are good, not to harm you but to give you hope and a future. It’s a new season for you; your past is now behind you and God has some great things in store for you.


Consider taking the NEXT STEP in your relationship with God. If you just accepted Jesus Christ for the first time and would like to be baptized, please follow this link.